Multipress are the curators of this year´s photobook festival at Gamle Munch.

Fotobokfestival Oslo 2024: WHAT IF?
September 6 – September 15

Inspired by media theorist Vilém Flusser’s text "What If?", Multipress has organized a festival that looks back at the future and forward towards the past.

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Nearest Truth: Episode 419

We had the pleasure of speaking with Brad Feuerhelm about our artistic background, publishing practice and the curating of Oslo Photobook Festival 2024.

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Arles Books Fair 2024 with France Photobook
Round tables, Auditorium, École nationale supérieure de la photographie (ENSP)

Friday July 5 – 1:30 pm
A look at the living world
Moderator: Frédéric Martin
With: Sandrine Cnudde, Matthieu Gafsou, Line Bøhmer Løkken, Véronique Prugnaud
French-speaking talk

Fotobokens superkraft intervju av Espen Gleditch til OFKS Blogg

Fotobokfestival Oslo inviterer til en drøy uke med fokus på fotoboken. Årets festival rommer en storstilt bokmesse, en utstilling med over 90 bøker, et seminar, et antall nærlesninger av fotobøker, og en spesialutstilling med tre inviterte utstillere. Vi har snakket med Line Bøhmer Løkken og Marte Aas som har kuratert årets festival.

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Brödet, handen, ögat, pappretText: Emanuel Cederqvist, Verk tidskrift

"I Bøhmer Løkkens publikation finns det ingen tydlig start eller slut, de lösa delarna gör att berättelsen kan styras av läsaren själv. Publikationen är precis som dansen ordlös, men det är ändå enkelt att ryckas med. Ett tag undrar jag om det är läsarens egen dans som menas med koreografin - publikationens styrka är att dess narrativ på flera sätt lyckas läcka över kanten på pappret och in i rummet jag sitter i.”

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Review of Margareta Bergman´s bladi losnar at Collector Daily by Olga Yatskevich

"The photobook includes numerous images of isolated parts of the human body, folded fabrics, surreal fragments of nature, abstract chemical spills, and other organic elements, many of which feel both intriguing and absurd. One spreads pairs a black and white photo of what looks like a close up of hairy man’s legs with a bandage and a pixelated purple shot of bare trees with branches sticking out horizontally. There is a unexpectedly humorous resemblance between these two images."

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Hva er forskjellen på en kunstbok og en kunstnerbok? Hvilke bøker vil antikvarbokhandleren, kunstneren og grafisk designeren anbefale – og hvorfor?

Hør opptak fra Cecilie Tyri Holts prat med Richard Sørbø fra Norlis antikvariat,
Line Bøhmer Løkken og Henrik Haugan fra Snøhetta.

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Launch of Marte Aas´new book Ducks in a Row,artist talk and exhibition at Oslo Art Association 01.06.2023.

Ducks in a Row is an artist book/monograph that thematizes five different films and a number of art projects made by Marte Aas in the years 2017 to 2023, whose focus and scope is differing yet encompassed by the investigation of and deep interest in technology and how it shapes our lives, bodies and politics.

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Review of Mariken Kramer´s book
I Hide Myself Within My Flower at Collector Daily by Olga Yatskevich

“The physicality of this book, in its choices of paper stock, color, and smell, comes together in a sensuously tactile experience. Kramer deals with a very personal and sensitive moment in her life, turning to photography to restore a lost sense of balance.”

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Presentation of Multipress in Agenda, seminar for Art and Craft, KHiO,
February 24, at Kunstnernes hus, Oslo

“The Artists’ Books has from the very beginning been a site of experimentation and plethora of artistic invention and multitude, where experementation in form, and the multitude of different strategies challenge the format of the Artists’ Books...”

-> more info here


Interview with Line Bøhmer Løkken about the book Tigersprang og svalehaleskjøt at Oslo fotokunstskole blogg

“I seks år har Line Bøhmer Løkken fotografert flyttingen av Veterinærhøgskolen fra urbane Adamstuen i Oslo til skolens nye hjem på Ås. Prosjektet er nå samlet mellom to permer i boken Tigersprang og svalehaleskjøt, og vi har snakket med Line om prosjektet.”

-> read inteview (Norwegian)

Launch of Line Bøhmer Løkken´s book Tigersprang og svalehaleskjøt at Norwegian University of Life Sciences Nov 16, 2022

KORO - Kunst i offentlige rom og NMBU inviterer til lansering av fotoboken «Tigersprang og svalehaleskjøt». Lansering av fotoboken skjer i samtale med billedkunstner Hedvig Anker på Universitetsbiblioteket NMBU.

-> more info here


Siri Ekker Svendsen´s book All the Whisperings of the World reviewed by John Erik Riley in Klassekampen and Tina Kryhlmann in Ny Tid

“En som bruker det estetiske blikket til å utforske menneskets rolle i spørsmålet om gjensidig avhengighet i et økosystem, er kunstner og fotograf Siri Ekker Svendsen i fotobokprosjektet «All the Whisperings of the World». I løpet av to kunstneropphold i Peru og Brasil har hun utforsket Amazonas’ tropiske regnskog gjennom kameralinsen; innfallsvinkelen er hennes egen alvorlige allergi mot paranøtter.(...) “

-> read the reviews: here and here (in Norwegian)

We are proud to launch our new t-shirt editions designed by Marte Aas, Margareta Bergman and Mariken Kramer.

-> more info here, here and here


Muscle, beefsteak...beefsteak run amok by Mariken Kramer got silver for best artists book, 2021 Grafill 

“Sterk layout og et godt kuratert utvalg av bilder. Stilsikkert og stramt med tekstinjeksjoner satt på halvsider mellom bildesidene. Det handler om skulpturell form og iscenesatte kropper. Vi ser på kunst. Plastisitet. Materialer. Hud. Tyggis. Muskel. Biff. … Ett tygg og vi var hekta.”

-> more info here


Review of Choreography with Potatos and Flour at Collector Daily by Olga Yatskevich

“The position and movement of his hands as he turns flour into dough is fast and precise, sometimes powerful, at other times gentle and delicate. The word “choreography” in the title feels particularly fitting. Working with dough is a very tactile experience and it translates well into the viewers’ experience of the physicality of the book.”

-> read article here

Diatribe #9 - B*stardbøker

Choreography with Potatoes and Flour er en av tre utgivelser som blir diskutert av Cecilie Tyri Holt i samtale med Kjetil Røed og Marte Danielsen Jølbo.

-> listen here (in Norwegian

Immersed in Stone - Black Ice by Line Bøhmer Løkken and Cinéma by Marte Aas is part of the exhibition Not Bliss But Relief curated by Daria Tumnias as part of the PhotobookWeek in Aarhus.

“Not Bliss But Relief brings together delicate publications produced in the last decade by women artists that explore the interconnections between the photobook medium, motion, and (cinematic) montage.”

-> more info here 

Photo: Studio Hans Wilschut

We are proud to announce Verena Winkelman´s new book VW 1998-2000!

V.W 1998-2000 is a book comprised of photographs the artist made of herself at the beginning of her studies. The photographs were made in black and white and color, and have been reproduced with attention to the geist of their making — a young artist working across media and through several approaches to photographic self-portraiture.

-> more info here


Curated by — a platform for artist publications and photo books. Marte Aas og Line Bøhmer Løkken represented.

-> more info here


Line Bøhmer Løkken´s new book
Choreography with Potatoes and Flour out now!

Line Bøhmer Løkken’s new artist´s book Choreography with Potatoes and Flour consists of a pile of folded sheets in various sizes. Pictures in full bleed alternately hide and reveal themselves in an organic manner. Within the pages of the book, we find ourselves located in a baking house with an older man baking lefse and flatbread....

-> more info here


Marte Aas`booklet Cinéma featured at  

Cinéma is a booklet made to accompany the black and white 16mm film Cinéma from 2010. Featuring the dancer Rukmini Chatterjee, the film explores the politics of representation via key elements such as gaze and gestures.

-> read article here


Årets vakreste bok 2019, Grafill;

“ Line Bøhmer Løkkens "Imersed in Stone - Black Ice" er en lavmælt bok som vekker sterke følelser. Ikke minst vekker den et umiddelbart begjær etter å eie den. Den lange sekvensen med utfallende sort-hvitt fotografier i et isdekket landskap vekker en melankolsk følelse som behagelig brytes av noen lyseblå sekvenser under vann - før blikket på nytt møter det sorte.”

-> more info here


Sidegalleri, Kåre Bulie D2;

Pamfletter: Angle-serien, som Marius Enghs bok kommer ut som utgivelse nummer 21 i, har i år femårsjubileum: Den ble påbegynt i 2014, og planen er at den til slutt skal bestå av hele 90 utgivelser. Det sympatiske prosjektet avspeiler de senere årenes økte interesse for fotoboken som medium.

-> read article here



The 2018 PhotoBook Awards Shortlist

We are proud to announce that Mariken Kramer`s beautiful book The Eyes That Fix You in a Formulated Phrase has been shortlisted for The 2018 PhotoBook Awards by Aperture and Paris Photo.

-> read more here




Mrs. Deane Blog/Hester Keijser;

Circular Exercises. After Løkken and Lefebvre.” On Line Bøhmer Løkkens publication Circular Exercises.

-> read article here



Mrs. Deane Blog/ Hester Keijser;
“Far from the madding crowd: on Marte Aas”

On Marte Aas´publications Cinéma and On the Subject of body and Space.

-> read article here