Tigersprang og svalehaleskjøt
Line Bøhmer Løkken

19,5 x 26,5 cm, 202 pages
Offset print,
hardcover case
Edition of 300
ISBN 978-82-92224-56-4

€ 48

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This book is part of KORO`s public art project for Campus Ås, connected to the process of relocating The Norwegian School of Veterinary Science from Adamstuen to new facilities at Campus Ås, site of The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). The photographs were made between 2014-2020: first, at Åkebakke in Ås, before the farmhouses were torn down to make space for the new Veterinary building, and then at Adamstuen in Oslo prior to the buildings there being abandoned.

Through these years I moved in and around the buildings, the landscape, delving into the nooks and crannies. I searched for the uniqueness and resonance of the different places, through the people and the activity that colors and fills them.